I hope everyone had a good Easter Holiday!
It is time for an Update!
I created these out of the Inspiration of the Mario Games!
These are for random Fun, but please try to play responsibly :P
You need to play with these at a sim where you can ezz and run scripts :P
Lol! The more people who play the better!!!!
Steps :D
1. Attach/ wear from inventory after unpackaging.
2. Go into Mouselook.
3. Left Click on your mouse to FIRE!!!!!
:P which ever character you purchase, the same character will be the bullet :D
Currently there are 3 different Versions out!
Le Green Shroom :3
Le Red Shroom :3
Le BombOmb
This ones the best and has the best animations and particles!
They are only available at my 2 In-world locations in Secondlife! They will be on the marketplace soon! I will also be switching over to Direct Delivery Soon! Keep you all Updated :P
In-World Stores:
Marketplace Stores:
.:TS:. Sl MarketPlace Store:
::FYI:: SL MarketPlace Store:
All items are ready to wear(right-click wear. Items are copyable, but not transferable. Please do make a copy of the item, before you decide to edit them or re-positions.
Please remember to read the .:TS:. TOS. The TOS is located with this package for all applicable items . Violators of the TOS will be prosecuted with the full extend of the DCMA.
If there are any questions please feel free to im me in-world or leave me a notecard. Custom colours and script edits are free of charge. ( Conditions may apply, im or give me a notecard for special customs BEFORE purchase) Also visit me at a temporary location for items not available on xstreet items displayed here on xstreet are also on display in Sl ^_^.
I am a sister designer to ::FYI:: From Ying Inglewood, so please check out her stuff on the sl marketplace or browse through her blog below :3
Thanks again <3
Snitcher and Ying Inglewood
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